Foshan Sansico Printing & Packaging Co., Ltd.

Foshan Sansico Printing & Packaging Co., Ltd.

In 1950, Sansico Group began as a small family business serving the printing and packaging needs of local businesses in Medan, Indonesia. Over time, seeing the opportunity, Sansico moved into the export business within Indonesia, moving to Jakarta, then expanding further to Yogyakarta and China.
No.2 Dongfeng Road, Songxia Community, Shishan Town, NanHai District, Foshan, Guangdong, China (Postal Code: 528225)
中国广东省佛山市南海区狮山镇松夏社区东风路2号 (邮编: 528225)
T: (86) 757-88736000

G7 Qualified 認證 认证

Type 類別 类别 : Offset – Commercial Sheetfed 柯式–商业单张印刷
Level 級別 级别 : ColorSpace – Relative – CGATS.21 CRPC6 (GRACoL2013)
Since 首次 首次 : 06/01/2018
Thru 到期日 到期日 : 05/31/2022