Broadcomm Shanghai Co., Ltd.

Broadcomm Shanghai Co., Ltd.

Tunderly-Broadcomm was founded in Hong Kong in 1988 by a father and son duo, with the purpose to build relationships between international brands and the Chinese market. Tunderly-Broadcomm delivers on this promise and as transformed from an advertisement broker to a strategic partner from design, productions, installations, to after-care services that have transformed brand spaces across Asia.
Tunderly-Broadcomm is a third-generation family business with production house in Shanghai with 120+ team, along with service branches in Hong Kong, Xiamen, and Guangzhou. The 6000 square meter production house is certified with ISO9001 , ISO14001, OSHAS18001 , and 3M-MCS-Warranty.
355 Shennan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China
T: (86) 21-34717100

G7 Qualified 認證 认证

Type 類別 类别 : Inkjet – Wide/Grand Format 喷墨 – 宽幅面
Level 級別 级别 : ColorSpace – Relative – CGATS.21 CRPC6 (GRACoL2013)
Since 首次 首次 : 12/01/2019
Thru 到期日 到期日 : 11/30/2021