Apex Print Limited

Apex Print Limited

Apex Print Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Economic Times Holdings Limited. APL is committed to provide quality one-stop services and it commenced operation in 1989. It is now one of the largest local printers for magazines and periodicals in Hong Kong.
11-13 Dai Kwai Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, NT, Hong Kong
香港新界大埔工业邨大贵街 11-13 号
T: (852) 26602666
E: info@apexprint.com.hk
W: www.apexprint.com.hk

G7 Qualified 認證 认证

Type 類別 类别 : Commercial Web
Level 級別 级别 : ColorSpace – Absolute – CGATS.21 CRPC6 (GRACoL2013)
Since 首次 首次 : 03/01/2024
Thru 到期日 到期日 : 02/28/2025